- The following TM-STS-000798 messages will be tested with new SCPs:
a. UPD-UCR: Update Customer Record
b. UPD-ROR: Update Resp Org
c. AUD-CPR: Audit Customer Record
d. UPD-MNL: Update Master Number List
e. UPD-DTT: Update Destination Threshold Table
f. RTRV-MNL: Retrieve Master Number List
g. RTRV-ISA: Retrieve Indicated Status Application
Please Note: All TM-STS-000798 messages can be tested during Sandbox testing.
- For database update messages (UPD-UCR), the TFNRegistry will generate messages containing all types of CPR nodes defined in TM-STS-000798. The SCP shall respond to all database update messages.