- This test verifies that the SCP(s) can process updates from the TFNRegistry without any down time or failure of the socket connections between the TFNRegistry and SCP(s) for a 10-day period.
a. Operations/testing staff will arrange a test window of at least 10 days without any scheduled down time on both the TFNRegistry and SCP O/O sides.
b. During the test window, the TFNRegistry will generate update traffic at rate between 1 to 10 messages per second using random records of various sizes.
c. Operations staff will monitor the record updates and the socket connections. All record updates sent by the TFNRegistry are required to have responses from the SCPs within 5 minutes. Any broken connection shall be re-initiated by the SCP and connected again within 10 minutes.
2. If an unscheduled down time is needed on either the TFNRegistry side or SCP O/O side, the 10-day stability test window shall be re-started from the beginning.