SMS Nodes
Although the SMS/800 node name can be anything, it must be unique. Therefore, a standard naming convention is required. The SMS/800 naming convention contains two parts concatenated:
- The first part is the CLLI code for the DCM: an 11-octet (CLLI TM code-like format) unique symbolic name to identify an SMS/800 instance.
- The second part is the process: a 6-octet symbolic name uniquely identifying a Process Instance within the SMS/800 instance. (For example, ysA701)
[11] The SMS/800 node name must contain a concatenation of the 11 octet symbolic name representing an instance of the SMS/800 plus a 6- octet symbolic name uniquely identifying a process instance within a SMS/800 instance.
Process |
(11) |
(6) |
The SCP node name is used by SMS/800 to register that SCP for selected messages forwarded by the SMS/800 to that SCP. In addition, each SCP node name is used by the SMS/800 to identify the sending SCP (e.g., which SCP process can send what message). This is done for security reasons.
SCP Nodes
Although the SCP Node Name can be anything (i.e., like the SMS/800), it must be unique among all the SCPs that are communicating with the SMS/800. Therefore, a similar naming convention is needed.
Section 7.1 describes the ASN.1 listing for the SMS/800 message header. The field “dest Node Name” is used to identify “who are you” (i.e., your Node Name). The value of this field should uniquely identify a process that is listening at an IP-address/TCP-port-number. The field “src Node Name” is used to identify “who am I” (i.e., my Node Name).
[12] The SCP node name must contain a concatenation of the symbolic name representing an instance of the SCP (CLLI code), plus a unique symbolic name identifying a receiving/sending process instance within an SCP. The SCP node name can be up to 50 octets. The sending/receiving process may or may not be the same.
7.1 Addresses of TCP/IP Connections
The following information must be supplied by both SMS/800 and the SCPs to each other:
- Host names and associated IP addresses
- Node Name (e.g., 11-character CLLITM)
- Unique IDs for all receiving/sending processes
- TCP port number for connection request listening of all receiving processes
Note: The receiving/sending process may or may not be the same.
[13] The IP addresses and TCP port numbers for the SMS/800 and
SCPs TCP/IP connections must be determined at installation time.
[14] The SCP must maintain the TCP socket connections. If a connection is dropped, the SCP must try to initiate the socket connection at regular intervals until the connection is established successfully.
SMS/800 will have two DCMServers, each with a published unique IP Address and each supporting two port addresses for connections from each SCP (one for Node message and one for CMSD message). SMS/800 will accept only one ses- sion per port. Response for a CMSD Request message can be sent back over any available CMSD connections. Response for a Node message can be sent back over any available Node connections.
If one DCMServer fails, all traffic shall be routed to the connections on the remaining DCMServer.