This section contains a definition of the messages transmitted between SMS/800 and the SCP CMSDB application. The messages are grouped by functional category. Each category is identified on the following table of contents, along with the acronym, direction- sent, and name of each message in a category.
NOTE All fields are required unless otherwise specified.
NOTE ASN.1 structures are provided in SR-4959.
7.1 CPR Data Maintenance
7.1.1 Update Customer Record (UPD-UCR)
The UCR command is used for updating the CMSDB Customer Records using the following Action Codes:
DELETE: Delete an existing CPR from the CMSDB.
REPLACE: Update if the Call Processing Record already exists in the CMSDB, otherwise create a new Call Processing Record in the CMSDB.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal/Critical
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-RCU
Route ID - UCR
Message Format:
- DELETE (Delete Call Processing Record) Command:
- REPLACE Action Code:
For the REPLACE action code, the optional fields are: SLR, and SLT.
If SLR or SLT appears then both must appear, otherwise, neither should appear.
Parameter Description:
acd (Action Code):
- 1 byte identifier
- R : Change the CMSDB record if it exists, otherwise add it to CMSDB
- D : Delete the CMSDB record.
crn (Cust. Record Nbr):
- 6 bytes binary data
- Customer Record Number.
- The CRN field can contain either:
- (a) The dialed toll-free number (NPAXXXXXXX), or
- (b) A Template ID (10 digits, always starts with a zero (’0’)). The CRN field of a template record may have NPA = 000 through 099, NXX = 000 through 999, and LINE number (last 4 digits) = 0000 through 9999.
- Both types of CRN are 6 bytes binary data. NPA : 2 bytes binary
- XXX : 2 bytes binary
- XXXX : 2 bytes binary
- (Note: all binary numbers are signed binary)
efd (Eff. Date/Time):
- 10 bytes, Text (yyyymmddqq)
- yyyy : year
- mm : mm
- dd : dd
- qq : effective time, represented as nbr of quarter hour from midnight. For example, 9:00 A.M. is represented as 36.
- EFD is always in Central Time zone and follows United States national daylight savings time rules.
- SMS/800 only sends the customer record (CR) update to SCPs when the EFD has reached.
ror (RESP ORG):
- 5 bytes, Text
- Responsible Organization
slr (Sampling Rate):
- 1 byte binary data
slt (Sampling Type):
- 1 byte binary data
- 0 : No sampling
- 1 : Attempt - In and Out of Area
- 2 : Attempt & Completion - In and Out of Area
- 3 : Attempt - In Area
- 4 : Attempt & Completion - In Area
NOTE SMS/800 sends the entire UPD-UCR record to the SCPs, not just updated data fields.
NOTE The term ’area’ means the Area-of-Service (AOS) supported by the SCP. Maximum Message Size
170,000 bytes.
Decision nodes only go up to 255 values, except NPA, which can go up to 1000 values. Individual Message Length
DELETE Message: 52 bytes
REPLACE Message: (91 + cpr length) bytes Message Frequency
The UPD-UCR message averaged approximately 1,152,000 instances per day per SCP site based on older historical rates. It is noted that this rate can vary greatly from day-to-day and that the average probably has changed since it was queried. Refer to Section 4.2.1 for the requirements on SMS/800 and the SCP regarding message rates. Data Description
CPR (Call Processing data) binary data consists of:
- ACTION NODE Decision Node
For each decision node:
Node Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 = 3-Digit ANI (NPA)
- 2 = LAT (LATA)
- 3 = DOR (Day of Year)
- 4 = DOW (Day of Week)
- 5 = TIM (Time)
- 6 = PCT (Percent)
- 8 = NXX (NXX)
- 9 = 6 Digit ANI (NPA- NXX)
- 10 = 10 Digit ANI (NPA- NXX-XXXX)
- Others to be determined
Number of Qualifiers
- 1 byte binary
Qualifier ID
- 1 byte binary
- 2 = Time Zone
- 3 = Day Light Savings Indicator
Qualifier Value 1
- 1 byte binary
- * If Qualifier ID is 2, the Qual Value 1 indicates the time zone:
- 0 = NewFoundland Time
- 1 = Atlantic Time
- 2 = Eastern Time
- 3 = Central Time
- 4 = Mountain Time
- 5 = Pacific Time
- 6 = Yukon Time
- 7 = Hawaiian & Alaskan Time
- 8 = Bering Time
- * If Qualifier ID is 3, the Qual Value 1 indicates Day Light Savings:
- 1 = DLS in not in effect
- 2 = DLS in effect
Number of Branches
- 2 bytes binary
- Indicates the number of branches on this node
Child Pointer
- 4 bytes binary
- Points to the byte count of the first byte on the child node of this branch (first byte of the root node counted as byte 1).
- Byte 0 is the location of the first node type indicator in the CPR record.
Number of Values
- 2 bytes binary
- Indicates the number of values on this branch.
- ’0000’ value represents the OTHERS branch
Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 - single match
- 2 - Range Match
Value 1
- 1, 2, 4, or 6 bytes binary
- *If Decision Variable is DOW , PER, or
- TIM: 1 byte
- *If Decision Variable is LAT, NXX, DOR,
- 3-Digit ANI: 2 bytes
- *If Decision Variable is 6-Digit ANI: 4 bytes:
- NPA: 2 bytes binary
- NXX: 2 bytes binary
- *If Decision Variable is 10-Digit ANI: 6 bytes:
- NPA: 2 bytes binary XXX: 2 bytes binary XXXX: 2 bytes binary
Value 2
- Required only for RANGE: Data type & length same as for Value 1, above. Action Node
Node Type
- 1 byte binary
- 128 = Set Routing 10 Digits (default - Dialed
- Number)
- 129 = Set Carrier
- 130 = Set Final Treatment
- 131= Set Network Management Class
- (NMC)
- 132 = Set LSO (Local Service Office)
- 240 = Set Template (Routing Template)
- Other values reserved for future use.
- 0, 1, 2, 4, or 6 bytes binary
- if Action Type is 128 (Set Routing 10 Digits) or 240 (Set Template) 6 bytes:
- NPA: 2 bytes binary
- XXX: 2 bytes binary
- XXXX: 2 bytes binary
- If Action Type is 132 (set LSO): 4 bytes:
- NPA: 2 bytes binary
- XXX: 2 bytes binary
-If Action Type is 129 (Set Carrier) : 2 bytes binary
-If Action Type is 130 (Set Final Treatment) or 131 (Set Network Management Class): 1 byte binary
Node Type
- 1 byte binary
- 255 = End of Branch Notes on Update Customer Record Commands
- The CPR is considered as a large binary field, e. there is a $ sign plus 4 bytes for the CPR length at the beginning of the field.
- On all decision nodes (except the PERCENT node), the last branch is converted to an OTHER branch.
- For efficiency reasons, SMS/800 attempts to reduce the size of complex records by pruning (i.e., removing) information that is not needed at an SCP networ Pruning applies to user created complex records only under certain conditions. In some cases the "other" branch is included even though it might not be needed. SMS/800 does not prune user created simple records (a record containing one interlata carrier, a record containing a POTS destination number with one intralata and one interlata carrier, or a record containing a turnaround and a POTS destination number with one intralata and one interlata carrier). Turnaround records (i.e., those records with no POTS destination numbers) that have CPRs would therefore get pruned. Specifically, the SMS/800 will prune all unnecessary branches and values from the NPA, LATA, 6-DIGIT, 10-DIGIT nodes. Pruning is performed on an SCP owning entity basis, i.e. all SCPs in the same Region will have the same CPRs.
NOTE Pruning was used by SMS/800 in the past when each SCP served a different geographical “area-of-service”. It’s no longer applicable to most SCPs.
NOTE If the CPR entered by the customer indicates that the call has to be routed to a POTS number specified in the customer record, then the POTS number should be returned to the switch by the SCP.
- The time range in the time node is inclusive of the range starting value and exclusive of the range ending value. For example, the time range of 8:00am - 5:00pm means from 8:00:00am to 4:59:59pm. The range for day & date nodes is inclusive of the start and end values. For example MON-FRI means from 00:00 Monday to 23:59:59 Friday. Range values are only allowed for Day of Year, Day of Week, Time of Day decision nodes.
- In the range for time, day, date nodes, the ending value of the range has to be greater than the starting value.
- The Set Routing 10 Digits (TEL# node) will not be included if the TEL# = Dialed Number.
- The LSO node is generated for CPR path which contains a POTS destination number and which has a Foreign Serving Office (FSO) entered in the Customer Administrative Data (CAD) record for that destination number. Otherwise, LSO node is not to be generated.
- The daylight savings time (DST) indicator in a time related CPR decision node (DOY, DOW, TIM) indicates whether the CPR specified time is to be interpreted as daylight time or standard time during the Congressionally mandated daylight saving time period. Outside of this daylight saving time period, the DST indicator has no meaning and all time is standard time. Call processing must check: if it is in DST period and CPR node says to use DST then adjust standard SCP time (data) plus one hour before executing a time-related CPR node. CPR time conversions are necessary whenever CPR node time zones differ from the standard SCP time zone.
- The Action Node’s child node will be assumed to be the node immediately following itself. An End-of-Branch node will be added to the end of each branch.
- Template Feature: Issue 22 and higher of this specification supports the Template Feature. The Template Feature means customer records (CRs) can be built using a common routing tree (called a common "Routing Template", also called a template record) that can be used by multiple dial numbers. The dial number information and customer-specific information are stored on a Pointer Record.
- Pointer Record: If a Customer Record’s (CR’s) CPR field contains a Template Node, that means the CR is a Pointer Record that points to a routing Template Record. For Pointer Records, the NMC node and the Template node must be in the CPR. When a CR contains a Template Node, the only other node that is allowed in that CR is the NMC node. An NMC node is required on every Pointer Record. Pointer records can only contain the following 3 nodes: Template Node, NMC Node, and End-of-Branch Node.
- NMC Node: The NMC node will be sent by SMS/800 for each CPR branch for regular CRs. However, for Pointer records, because Templates only have one destination # (the turnaround #, which is the toll-free Dial#), the Pointer record's routing tree will always have the same NMC value for every routing branch. Therefore, SMS/800 will only send 1 NMC node in a Pointer record.
- Routing Number: In any CPR (regular Customer Record, Pointer record, or Template record), if there is no set routing number Action Node yet there is a CIC node, then the SCP should default the routing number to the toll-free dial number (Dial#).
- Template Record: A Template Record’s CRN field will begin with a ’0’ in the first digit to identify the record as a Template, as opposed to a Dialed Number. The Template ID of a Template Record is a 10-digit value that is sent in the CRN field. The CRN field of a Template record can have NPA = 000 through 099, NXX = 000 through 999, and last 4 digits = 0000 through 9999. Set Template will never be used in a Template CRN.
- When a CR contains a Template Node, then the Dialed Number is sent by SMS/800 in a Pointer Record that points to a Template CRN. A Template Node is a type of Action Node.
- A Pointer Record’s CRN field contains a toll-free number.
- A regular CR (also known as a traditional CR) CRN field contains a toll-free number.Regular CRs never contain a Template Node.
- Multiple Pointer Records can point to the same Template CRN.
- Order of Action Nodes: There is no fixed order in which SMS/800 sends the Action Nodes to the SCPs. Therefore, the SCPs need to be able to handle the Action Nodes in any order sent by SMS/800. In general, the NMC Node will get sent before the Template Node. Node Definitions
Definitions of all the defined UPD-UCR nodes are provided in the following sections. Decision Node: SMS/800’s 3-Digit ANI (NPA) Node
1. Node Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1: 3 Digit ANI (NPA) decision node
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 0: No qualifiers
3. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
4. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
5. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary
- Note: "0" value indicates OTHER branch
6. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : single match
7. Value
- 2 bytes binary
- NPA Decision Node: SMS/800’s NXX Node
1. Node Type
- 1 byte binary
- 8: 3 Digit NXX decision node
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 0 : NXX node does not require qual.
3. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
- 3 : 3 branches in the above example
4. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
5. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary
- Note: "0" value indicates OTHER branch
6. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : single match
7. Value
- 2 bytes binary
- For NXX Decision Node: SMS/800’s LATA Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 2: LATA
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 0 : LATA node does not require qual.
3. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
- 3: 3 branches in the above example
4. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
5. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary
- Note: 0 value indicates OTHER branch.
6. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : single match
7. Value
- 2 bytes binary
LATA Node Branch Values Definitions
The 2-byte binary representation of the LATA number will be used. Valid numeric values are 000-999. Decision Node: SMS/800’s PERCENT Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 0 : PERCENT node does not require qual.
3. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
- 3 : 3 branches in the above example
4. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
5. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary
- Note: PERCENT node cannot have OTHER branch.
6. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : single match
7. Value
- 1 byte binary
Percent Node Branch Value Definitions
One-byte binary representation of the Percent value (0-100) is used. Decision Node: SMS/800’s 6-Digit Node
Note: Ten-Digit Node is not explicitly illustrated, but would be analogous to Six-Digit Node, except Node type would be 10 and Value would be 6 bytes in length.
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 9: Six-Digit
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 0: 6-digit node does not require qualifier.
3. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
4. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
5. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary 0 indicates OTHER branch.
6. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : single match
7. Value
- 4 bytes binary
- 7a: NPA - 2 bytes binary
- 7b : NXX - 2 bytes binary
NPA and NXX Values
Two-byte binary representation for both. Valid numeric values are 000-999. Decision Node: SMS/800’s Day Node
Note that in the second branch, the SAT-MON range was replaced by two values, first value is SAT and second value is the range SUN-MON. This replacement is required since the end value of a range has to be larger than the starting value. Also the third branch was changed into an "OTHER" branch.
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 4: DOW
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 2: 2 Qualifiers are required for the Day Node
3. Qualifier ID
- 1 byte binary
- 2 : Time Zone
4. Qualifier Value
- 1 byte binary
- 2 : Eastern Time
5. Qualifier ID
- 1 byte binary
- 3 : Day Light Savings
6. Qualifier Value
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : Day Light Savings not in effect
7. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
8. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
9. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary
- NOTE: 0 indicates OTHER branch.
10. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : single match
- 2 : range match
11. Value
- 1 byte binary
Day Node Branch Values Definitions
The values on the branches of the Day node are specified as follows:
Day Index | Definition |
1 | Sunday |
2 | Monday |
3 | Tuesday |
4 | Wednesday |
5 | Thursday |
6 | Friday |
7 | Saturday | Decision Node: SMS/800’s Date (DAT) Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 3 : DOY
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 2: 2 Qualifiers are required for the DAT node
3. Qualifier ID
- 1 byte binary
- 2 : Time Zone
4. Qualifier Value
- 1 byte binary
- 5 : Pacific Time
5. Qualifier ID
- 1 byte binary
- 3 : Day Light Savings
- 6. Qualifier Value - 1 byte binary
- 1 = DLS not in effect
7. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
8. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
9. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary
- NOTE: 0 indicates OTHER branch.
10. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : single match
- 2 : range match
11. Value
- 2 bytes binary
Date Node Branch Values Definitions
The values on the branches of the Date node are specified as follows:
Date Index | Definition |
001 | Jan 1 |
002 | Jan 2 |
. | |
. | |
059 | Feb 28 |
060 | Feb 29 |
. | |
. | |
366 | Dec 31 | Decision Node: SMS/800’s Time (TIM) Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 5: TIM
2. Number of Qualifier
- 1 byte binary
- 2: 2 Qualifiers are required for the TIM node
3. Qualifier ID
- 1 byte binary
- 2 : Time Zone
4. Qualifier Value
- 1 byte binary
- 3: Central Time
5. Qualifier ID
- 1 byte binary
- 3 : Day Light Savings Indicator
6. Qualifier Value
- 1 byte binary
- 2 = DLS in effect
7. Number of branches
- 2 bytes binary
8. Child Offset
- 4 bytes binary
9. Number of Values (in this branch)
- 2 bytes binary
- Note: "0" value indicates OTHER branch
10. Value Type
- 1 byte binary
- 2: range match
11. Value 1
- 1 byte binary
12. Value 2
- 1 byte binary
Time Node Branch Values Definitions
The time value(s) on the branches of the Time node are specified using the number of the quarter hour of the day. The time values range from 0 through 96.
A value of ’0’ means 12:00AM if it is used at the beginning of the time range.
A value of ’96’ means 12:00AM if it is used at the end of the time range.
A value of ’01’ means 12:15AM.
A value of ’95’ means 11:45PM.
Example 1: A 15 minutes interval is sent to the CMSDB as one value.
12:30 am - 12:45 am -> 02
08:00 am - 05:00 pm -> 32 - 68
Example 2: An interval of time greater than 15 minutes is sent to the CMSDB with the start and end time. Action Node: SMS/800’s LSO Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 132: LSO
2. Value
- 4 bytes binary
- 2a: NPA - 2 bytes binary
- 2b: NXX - 2 bytes binary
LSO Values
The LSO is represented by: NPA (2-byte binary) and NXX (2-byte binary). Note that the XXXX field of (NPA-NXX-XXXX) is not included. Action Node: SMS/800’s TEL Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 128: Routing 10 Digits
2. Value
- 6 bytes
- 2a: NPA - 2 bytes binary
- 2b: NXX - 2 bytes binary
- 2c: XXXX - 2 bytes binary Action Node: SMS/800’s Carrier Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 129: Set Carrier
2. Value:
- 2 bytes binary
- 0123: code for ICI
Carrier Node Branch Values Definitions
The 2-byte binary representation of the Carrier Code will be used. Action Node: SMS/800’s Final Treatment Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 130: Set Final Treatment Code
2. Value
- 1 byte binary
- 1 : Code for "Out-Of-Band"
Final Treatment Node Branch Values Definitions
The following 2-byte binary codes will be used:
- 1 : Out of Band Announcement
- 2 : Vacant Code Announcement
- 3 : Disconnected Number Announcement
- 4 : error condition (Not Used) Others: to be defined Action Node: SMS/800’s Network Management Threshold Class Node
1. Node type
- 1 byte binary
- 131 : Set Network Management Class
2. Value
- 1 byte binary
- 5 : Network (Nwk) Management Threshold Class 5
Network Management Threshold Values
One-byte binary representation of the threshold level will be used.
Valid Threshold values are 1 through 15 in binary. Action Node: SMS/800’s Template Node
255. Node type – 1 byte binary
240: Set Template Node
2. Value:
- 6 bytes binary
- Template Record ID
- 2a: First 3 Digits: 2 bytes binary
- 2b: Second 3 Digits: 2 bytes binary
- 2c: Last 4 Digits: 2 bytes binary End of Branch (EOB) Node
The EOB Node, when present will contain a value of 255 to signal the end of each branch.
255. Node type – 1 byte binary
255: Set end of branch
7.1.2 Response to Updating Call Processing Record (RSP-RCU)
This command is the response to the Update Call Processing Record command (UPD- UCR).
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - RCU
Message Format:
- Successful Update Response:
- Failed Update Response:
Parameter Description:
- 10 bytes. See section 5.2.
- 12 bytes. See section 5.2.
- Decimal numeral, 2 bytes
- Error code for Response message:
- 01: Syntax Error
- 08: The Template Node on the CR points to missing template record
- 11: Record does not exist (for DELETE)
- 12: Duplicate record (Not used)
- 31: Update failure due to CMSDB error (example: out of file space, OS error..)
- 32: Update failure due to CPR size
- 99: Inconsistent effective date
crn (Cust. Rec. No.):
- 6 bytes binary data
- Customer Record Number.
- The CRN field can contain either:
- (a) The dialed toll-free number (NPANXXXXXX), or
- (b) A Template ID (10 digits, always starts with a zero (’0’)).
- Both types of CRN are 6 bytes binary data.
- NPA: 2 bytes binary
- NXX: 2 bytes binary
- XXXX: 2 bytes binary
efd (Eff. Date/Time):
- 10 bytes Text (yyyymmddqq) Effective Date & Time of the record.
- Yyyy: year
- mm: month
- dd: date
- qq: eff. Time, represented in quarter hour from midnight. For example, 9:00 am is 36.
- 5 bytes, Text
- Responsible Organization
Message Size: 91 bytes
Message Frequency: Same as Update Customer Record commands.
Notes: For a successful update response, the sender of this message should echo back the ror value from the corresponding UPD-UCR message. If the SCP does not store the ror, the SCP should echo back the value sent to it by SMS.
7.1.3 Update RESP ORG (UPD-ROR)
This command is used to update the RESP ORG of a record resident at the SCP.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal/Critical
Confirmation - A
Queueing - Yes
Response - RSP-ROR
Route ID - URO
Message Format:
Parameter Description:
See UPD-UCR parameter descriptions.
Message Length: 41 bytes
Frequency: Dependent upon input.
Important note:
UPD-ROR can be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’ by Software Support on a per Network ID basis. Please be aware that UPD-ROR cannot be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’ for a subset of SCP IDs within a Network ID. In order for an SCP to receive the UPD-ROR message, the SCP Owner/Operator or Network Provider needs to contact the Help Desk to ask Software Support to configure the SMS/800 platform to send the UPD-ROR message to all the SCPs for a specific Network ID.
7.1.4 Response to Update RESP-ORG (RSP-ROR)
This is the response to the Update RESP ORG command.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - RRO
Message Format:
- Successful Update Response:
- Failed Update Response:
Parameter Description:
Date & time:
- See Section 5
- See UPD-UCR for crn, efd and ror parameter descriptions.
- Decimal numeral, 2 bytes (see section 5.1.1 for the syntax of decimal numeral)
- Update error code
- 01 : Syntax Error
- 11 : Record does not exist at CMSDB
- 31 : Update failure due to CMSDB error
Message Size: 69 bytes
Message Frequency: Same as UPD-ROR frequency.
Notes: In all cases, the sender of this message should echo back the ror value from the corresponding UPD-UCR message.
7.1.5 Audit Call Processing Record (AUD-CPR)
This command is used for transmitting a customer record to the SCP for auditing.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal/Critical
Confirmation - A
Queueing - NO
Response - RSP-AUD
Route ID - ACR
Message Format:
Optional fields are: SLR, and SLT.
If SLR or SLT appears then both must appear, otherwise, neither should appear.
Parameter Description:
- Audit Mode, 1 byte identifier
- M: Manual Audit
Message Length: 91 bytes + CPR length
Frequency: 100 to 1000 manual requests per day are estimated.
7.1.6 Response to Audit (RSP-AUD)
This is the response to the Audit Call Processing command.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - RCA
Message Format:
- Successful Update Response:
- Failed Update Response:
Parameter Description:
Date & time
- See Section 5
- Decimal numeral, 2 bytes
- Update error code
- 01 : Syntax Error
- 02 : Record does not exist in CMSDB disk data base.
- 11 : Record does not match CMSDB disk data base.
- 21 : Record does not match CMSDB memory data base.
- 22 : Record does not exist in CMSDB memory data base.
- 23 : Memory record does not exist and memory record does not match.
- 90 : Mismatched RESP ORG
- 99 : Inconsistent Effective Date
Message Size: 41 bytes
Message Frequency: See AUD-CPR frequency.
7.1.7 Report Execution Error (REPT-EER)
An exception report is issued by CMSDB whenever a Call Processing Record (CPR) execution error occurs. While processing an “800 Service” call, if the CMSDB cannot complete the CPR parsing due to a pointer pointing to the wrong place or if CMSDB cannot retrieve the information it needs (e.g., no destination number, invalid carrier code, invalid pointer, pointer points to wrong place, pointer resulting in infinite loop, etc.), CMSDB should send an EER.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - EER
Parameter Description:
Date & time:
- see Section 5
- Binary data, 6 bytes (NPAXXXXXXX)
- 2 bytes binary for NPA
- 2 bytes binary for XXX
- 2 bytes binary for XXXX
- The customer record number of the bad record.
- Binary data, 2 bytes
- Indicator of CPR in service
- 01 : In
- Binary data, 2 bytes
- Error type:
- 01 : Infinite loop
- 02 : pointer out of bound
- 03 : Could not determine Dest. Number
- 04 : Could not determine Carrier
- 05 : Header data missing (Example: No Sampling Rate)
- 06 : Other reasons
- 07 : CIC Expansion Error
- 08 : The Template Node on the CR points to missing template record.
Message Size:
31 bytes + length (date&time field) + 11 (crn) + 7 (ind) + 7 (eer)
Message Frequency: As error occurs.
7.1.8 Report Misrouted Error (REPT-MER)
An exception report is issued by CMSDB whenever CMSDB determines a Query from the Common Channel Signaling (CCS) Network is misrouted. CMSDB should send an MER if it receives a query not for a number which is “800 Service” (e.g., 900). This report identifies the dialed number.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - MER
Message Format:
Parameter Description:
Date & time
- see Section 5
- The dialed number (NPAXXXXXXX) Binary data, 6 bytes
- 2 bytes for NPA, 2 bytes for XXX, 2 bytes for XXXX
Message Length: 21 bytes + length (date & time field) + 11 bytes (dln field).
Message Frequency: As error occurs.
7.2.1 Update Master Number List (UPD-MNL)
The CMSDB requires a master number list of “800 Service” NPA-XXXs to distinguish between queries to vacant codes and misroutes by the CCS network.
NOTE SMS/800 keeps the Master Number List (MNL) so that it does not send the updates on certain NPA-NXX to certain SCP if that SCP does not handle calls for that NPA-NXX. SMS/800 sends 1 UPD-MNL message per Toll-Free NPA.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-MNL
Route ID - UMN
Message Format: UPD-MNL::::::CNT1=cnt1:MNL1=mnl1;
Message Example 1: UPD-MNL::::::CNT1=01:MNL1=data for 800;
Message Example 2: UPD-MNL::::::CNT1=01:MNL1=data for 888;
Parameters Description:
- The cnt1 value is always “01”.
An array of 1000 three-byte entries starting at byte 5. An XXX belongs to this master number list if the first byte of the triple has a status value of 1. The other two bytes contain an IC code if the XXX is on turnaround 3004 bytes binary data.
- Bytes 1 and 2: Value of the NPA for the NXXs in this list.
- Bytes 3 and 4: Number of XXXs in array (always 1000).
The first XXX 3-byte entry:
- byte 1: The first XXX status
- 0 – XXX is not on MNL.
- 2 – XXX is on MNL. Check for Call Processing Record to perform the call translation. If no record is found, a vacant code announcement will be returned to the caller.
- 3 – return VCA
- 4 – return OBA
- bytes 2 and 3: The IC for the first XXX.
- 0 – not on turnaround.
The last XXX 3-byte entry:
- byte 1: The last XXX status.
- 0 – XXX is not on MNL.
- 2 – XXX is on MNL. Check for Call Processing Record to perform the call translation. If no record is found, a vacant code announcement will be returned to the caller.
- 3 – return VCA
- 4 – return OBA
- bytes 2 and 3: The IC for the first XXX.
- 0 – not on turnaround.
Maximum Message Length: 3036 bytes
Frequency: N/A
Notes: SMS/800 sends data only for the NPA that was updated. Each MNL message must only contain data for only 1 NPA.
For example, if Master Number List (MNL) data exists for NPAs 800 and 888 in both the SMS/800 and the SCP, and subsequently SMS/800 was updated to change the data in NPA 888 portion of the Master Number List in SMS/800, then SMS/800 will send only the NPA 888 portion of the Master Number List to the impacted SCPs and no NPA 800 data will be sent in this example.
7.2.2 Response to Update Master Number List (RSP-MNL)
This is a response to the Update Master Number List (UPD-MNL) command.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RM
Message Format:
Parameters Description:
- day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD- message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
- error code
- 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 – update was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – update failed
Maximum Message Length: 46
Frequency: N/A
7.2.3 Retrieve Master Number List (RTRV-MNL)
The CMSDB will send the Master Number List(s) of NPA-XXX codes upon request from SMS/800.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-RML
Route ID - GMN
Message Format:
Parameters Description: None
Maximum Message Length: 14 bytes
Frequency: N/A
7.2.4 Response to Retrieve Master Number List (RSP-RML)
This is the response to Retrieve Master Number List command from SMS.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RRM
Message Format: RSP-RML:,date,time:::term_rept,error_cd::CNT1=cnt1:MNL1=mnl1;
Message Example: RSP-RML:,date,time:::term_rept,error_cd::CNT1=02:MNL1=data for 800:MNL1=data for 888;
The CNT1 and MNL1 fields are optional depending upon the error_cd. The CNT1 and
MNL1 fields are present only when the error_cd is “00”, “retrieve was successful”.
Parameters Description:
- day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
term_rept termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD – message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
- error code
- 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 -retrieve was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – retrieve failed
- Count of the number of Master Number Lists.
- 2 bytes decimal numeral
An array of 1000 three-byte entries starting at byte 5
An XXX belongs to this master number list if the first byte of the triple has a status value of 1. The other two bytes contain an IC code if the XXX is on turnaround.
3004 bytes binary data
bytes 1 and 2: Value of the NPA for the NXXs in this list.
Bytes 3 and 4: Number of XXXs in array (always 1000).
The first XXX 3-byte entry:
- byte 1: The first XXX status.
- 0 – XXX is not on MNL.
- 2 – XXX is on MNL. Check for Call Processing Record to perform the call translation. If no record is found, a vacant code announcement will be returned to the caller.
- 3 – return VCA
- 4 – return OBA
- bytes 2 and 3: The IC for the first XXX.
- 0 – not on turnaround
The last XXX 3-byte entry:
- byte 1: The last XXX status.
- 0 – XXX is not on MNL.
- 2 – XXX is on MNL. Check for Call Processing Record to perform the call translation. If no record is found, a vacant code announcement will be returned to the caller.
- 3 – return VCA
- 4 – return OBA
- bytes 2 and 3: The IC for the first XXX.
- 0 – not on turnaround.
Maximum Message Length: 54 + (N * 3015), where N equals the number of Master Number Lists
Frequency: On-Demand
Notes: All Master Number List at the SCP is returned to the SMS.
7.2.5 Retrieve Noncustomer Data (RTRV-NCD)
SMS/800 can initiate a retrieve in the CMSDB for certain noncustomer data.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-NCD
Route ID - GNC
Message Format: RTRV-NCD:::::;
Parameters Description: N/A.
Maximum Message Length: 14 bytes
Frequency: N/A
7.2.6 Response to Retrieve Noncustomer Data (RSP-NCD)
This is the response to Retrieve Noncustomer Data (RTRV-NCD). This message contains the data in CMSDB that can be updated by SMS, except for customer records and the master number list.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RNC
Message Format:
The ASR, TAT, GIL, DL, ST, CT, IMC, NLC, NSO, NPS, NPT, NPD, VCS, VCT, VCD, LSS, EER, MER, ORD, CCO, MCL, and SSL fields are optional depending on the error_cd. The fields are not present when the error_cd is ‘01’, ‘syntax error’. In the case of error_cd is ‘02’, ‘retrieve failed’, the data items that were retrieved successfully will be returned.
Parameters Description:
- day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes,
- see Section 5 for format
term_rept termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD – message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
error_cd error code
- 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 – retrieve was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – retrieve failed
asr Application sample rate
- 2-byte binary data
- 0 – do not sample
- 1 – 5 percent sampling
tat Transaction age timer
- 2-byte binary data
- 1000 -> 10000 milliseconds.
Gil Overload gap interval for level 3.1 to level 3.8
- 16 byte binary data, each level is a 2-byte binary. Gap interval for level 3.1, 2-byte binary
- Gap interval for level 3.2, 2-byte binary
- Gap interval for level 3.8, 2-byte binary
- The range of the value is the same for all levels: 1 -> 15.
Dl Overload duration for level 3.1 to 3.8
- 16 byte binary data, 2-byte binary for each duration level. Duration level 3.1, 2-byte binary
- Duration level 3.2, 2-byte binary
- Duration level 3.8, 2-byte binary
- The range of the value is the same for all levels: 1 -> 13.
St Destination number surveillance threshold for class 1 to class 15.
- 30 byte binary data, 2-byte binary for each class. Surveillance threshold for class 1, 2-byte binary
- Surveillance threshold for class 2, 2-byte binary
- Surveillance threshold for class 15, 2-byte binary
- The range of the value is the same for all classes:
- 50 – 20,000 attempted calls.
Ct Destination number control threshold for class 1 to class 15.
- 30 byte binary data, 2-byte binary for each class.
- Control threshold for class 1, 2-byte binary.
- Control threshold for class 2, 2-byte binary.
- Control threshold for class 15, 2-byte binary.
- The range of the value is the same for all classes:
- 50 – 20,000 attempted calls
Imc Initial mass calling gap interval
- 2 byte binary data
- 0 to 15.
Nlc network list change report threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5 minute period.
Nso network SSP overflow report threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5 minute period.
Nps 6-digit dialed NPA-XXX threshold for the nonpurchased class 1 to class 15
- 2-byte binary data
- 50 to 5000 calls
npt 10-digit dialed NPA-XXX-XXXX threshold for the nonpurchased area or LATA
- 2-byte binary data
- 50 to 5000 calls
npd decontrolling threshold for the nonpurchased area or LATA
- 2-byte binary data
- 5 to 5000 calls
vcs vacant 6-digit dialed NPA-XXX threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 50 to 5000 calls
vct vacant 10-digit dialed NPA-XXX-XXXX threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 50 to 5000 calls
vcd decontrolling threshold for the vacant dialed numbers
- 2-byte binary data
- 5 to 5000 calls
l Low customer/application sample space threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5 minute period.
- LSS is obsolete in TFN Registry.
- For backwards compatibility, the LSS field may be present in this message; however, it is not used by the TFN Registry.
Eer Execution error report threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5 minute period.
Mer Misrouted query report threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5 minute period.
Ord Ics with override indication for initiation of automatic controls: (2 + 2*i) bytes binary data.
- Number of carriers in the list (i),
- 2 bytes binary
- Each carrier is a 2-byte binary, repeated for the first to last carrier up to a maximum of 100.
Cco Call completion option setting
1-byte identifier
S or Y = set (“on”).
N = not set (“off”).
mcl Manual control list, assuming there are i numbers in the list: (2 + 24 * i) bytes binary data.
Number of controlled numbers in the list (i), a 2 byte binary.
- NPA, 2-byte binary
- XXX, 2-byte binary
- XXXX, 2-byte binary
- Dialed number or destination number, 2 bytes binary:
- 0 – dialed number
- 1 – destination number
- The gap interval level to be controlled, 2-byte binary:
- 0 – disable automatic control
- 1 to 15 – gap interval level 1 to 15
- The control duration, 2-byte binary:
- 1 to 13 – control level 1 to 13
- The treatment of blocked calls by SSP.
- 2-byte binary:
- The values of 1, 2, and 4 below are for future use.
- The value of 3 (60 IPM) is the only value that can be forwarded to an SSP currently).
- 1 – vacant code announcement (VCA)
- 2 – out-of-band announcement
- 3 – 60 IPM (Interruptions Per Minute)
- 4 – no circuit available (NCA)
- User data: 10 bytes binary (the binary data is actually the original text string sent by SMS).
- Repeat above fields for all numbers in the Manual Control List.
Ssl Special study list (assuming there are i numbers in the list) (2 + 27*i) bytes binary data
Number of special study numbers in the list.
- Parameter ‘i’ is a 2-byte binary trap criteria, 2-byte binary:
- 1 – 10-digit dialed number
- 2 – 10-digit routing number
- 3 – 6-digit dialed number
- 4 – 6-digit routing number
- 5 – carrier
- 6 – SSP
- Trap value, 11-bytes binary
- 2 for NPA
- 2 for XXX
- 2 for XXXX
- 2 for carrier
- 3 for SSP
- Sample limit
- 2-byte binary number of calls that will be trapped time limit
- 2-byte binary number of minutes the study will remain in effect user data
- 10 bytes binary (the binary data is actually the original text string sent by SMS)
- Repeat the above fields for all the special study numbers.
Maximum Message Length:
264 + 202 (100 Ics) + 1538 (64 manual control) + 272 (10 special studies) = 2276 bytes
Frequency: On demand
7.2.7 Update Application Layer Parameters (UPD-ALP)
The CMSDB requires an exception report threshold for the misrouted queries and the application/customer sample overflow threshold. SMS/800 uses this message to update these thresholds. For the threshold value of N, CMSDB only sends the first N exception reports in a 5 minute period.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-ALP
Route ID - UAL
Message Format: UPD-ALP::::::MER=mer,LSS=lss;
Parameters Description:
mer misrouted exception report threshold
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a five minute period
l low sample space threshold
- 2-bytes binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a five minute period
- LSS is obsolete in TFN Registry.
- For backwards compatibility, the LSS field is always present in this message; however, it is not used by the TFN Registry.
Maximum Message Length: 37 bytes
Frequency: Low
7.2.8 Response to Update Application Layer Parameters (RSP-ALP)
This is a response to update Application Layer Parameters (UPD-ALP) command.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RAL
Message Format:
Parameters Description:
- day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
term_rept termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD – message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
error_cd error code
- 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 – update was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – update failed
Maximum Message Length: 46
Frequency: N/A
7.2.9 Update Exception Threshold Table (UPD-ETT)
The CMSDB requires an exception report threshold to control the generation of excessive Report Execution Error (REPT-EER) reports. For the threshold value of N, CMSDB only reports the first N exception events in a 5 minute period.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-ETT
Route ID - UET
Message Format:
Parameters Description:
value threshold for the reports
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5 minute period
Maximum Message Length: 27
Frequency: Low
7.2.10 Response to Update Exception Threshold Table (RSP-ETT)
This is a response to the UPD-ETT command.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RET
Message Format:
Parameters Description:
- day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
time time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
term_rept termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD – message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
error_cd error code
- 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 – update was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – update failed
Maximum Message Length: 46
Frequency: N/A
7.3.1 Enter New Number/Delete Number on Special Studies List (ENT- SSL, DLT-SSL)
A special study is a temporary call monitor at the SCP that produces exception reports for calls that meet specified trap criteria. A command message is sent to ENTER or DELETE an entry on a special study list at the SCP.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal or Critical
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-SSL
Route ID - USS
Message Format:
- DELETE Action Code:
- ENTER Action Code:
ENT-SSL::::::TRC=trc,TRV=trv, SML=sml,TML=tml,USR=usr;
Parameter Description:
trc (Trap Criteria):
- 2 bytes binary data consists of:
- 1 = Dialed Number (10 digits)
- 2 = Routing Number (10 digits)
- 3 = Dialed Number (6 digits: NPA-XXX)
- 4 = Routing Number (6 digits: NPA-XXX)
- 5 = Carrier
- 6 = SSP
trv (Trap Value):
- 12 bytes binary data consists of:
- npa: 2 bytes (binary)
- XXX: 2 bytes (binary)
- XXXX: 2 bytes (binary)
- carrier: 2 bytes (binary)
- ssp: 4 bytes (binary)
- (The first byte of the SSP value should be zero.)
- (If the npa, XXX, XXXX, carrier or ssp field is not used, then it is set to zero.)
sml (Sample Limit):
- 2 bytes binary data
- Maximum number of calls that will be trapped.
- 1 to 100 calls
tml (Time Limit):
- 2 bytes binary data
- Maximum number of minutes the study will remain in effect.
- 60 to 10,080 (1 hour to 168 hours)
usr (User Data):
- 10 bytes text string
- This is supplemental data required by SMS/800 – it is stored by the SCP with the other special study specification data and is returned to SMS/800 with special study results (in REPT-SSR message) – also, in specific cases, this data is returned to SMS/800 in response to ENT-SSL or DLT-SSL command messages (in RSP-SSL message).
Maximum Message Size:
88 bytes
The SMS/800 sends an ENT-SSL or DLT-SSL command message only when an authorized user attempts to enter or delete an entry on an SCP special study list. The frequency is expected to be low.
7.3.2 Response to Updating Special Study List (RSP-SSL)
The RSP-SSL response message acknowledges the receipt of the Update Special Study List command message and reports the command status.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RSS
Message Format:
- Successful Command Processing:
- Unsuccessful Command Processing:
The USR field is optional depending upon the error_code. The USR field is present only when the error_code is “04”, “add action, entry already present”.
Parameter Description:
date (see Section 5)
time (see Section 5)
error_code: 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 : update successful
- 01 : syntax error
- 02 : add action, list full
- 03 : delete action, entry not found
- 04 : add action, entry already present
- 05 : update failed
Error_code values listed above are in precedence order – if more than one error_code is applicable, the error_code listed first takes precedence.
Usr (User Data):
- 10 bytes text string (see ENT-SSL message)
- This data is present only when error_code is 04 – “add action, entry already present”. It contains the user data associated with the entry already on the SCP list, and not the user data passed in the ENT-SSL command message that this message is in response to.
Maximum Message Length: 63 bytes
The SCP sends a Response to Special Studies message in response to an Update Special Studies command message. The SMS/800 sends an Update Special Studies command message only when an authorized user adds or deletes an entry on a special study list. The frequency is expected to be low.
7.3.3 Report Special Study Results (REPT-SSR)
If there are any special studies in effect, the SCP is scheduled to send an SSR message every 15 minutes to report on all trapped calls (for all active special studies) that have not yet been reported in an earlier SSR message. The SCP also sends an unsolicited SSR message when a special study completes (because either the trap limit or time limit has been reached) to report on all trapped calls for that special study that have not yet been reported in an earlier SSR message. When a special study completes the report will contain data for the special study that completed as well as all other active special studies. More than one SSR message is sent if all the data to be reported cannot be contained in one message.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - YES
Response - None
Route ID - SSR
Message Format:
REPT-SSR:,date,time:::::CNT=cnt:TRC=trc,TRV=trv,SML=sml,TML=tml, USR=usr,STA=sta,RPT=rpt: TRC=trc,TRV=trv,SML=sml,TML=tml, USR=usr,STA=sta,RPT=rpt:
… TRC=trc,TRV=trv,SML=sml,TML=tml,
The sequence TRC, TRV, SML, TML, USR, STA, RPT will appear for every special study that is being reported. It is possible for data in the RPT field to indicate zero samples. This may happen when a special study ends (for example, when time limit is reached) but there are no trapped calls to report for the study.
Parameter Description:
date (see Section 5)
time (see Section 5)
cnt (count):
- 2 bytes binary data
- Number of studies reported in this message.
Trc (Trap Criteria):
- 2 bytes binary data
- (see ENT-SSL message)
trv(Trap Value):
- 12 bytes binary data
- (see ENT-SSL message)
sml (Sample Limit):
- 2 bytes binary data
- (see ENT-SSL message)
tml (Time Limit):
- 2 bytes binary data
- (see ENT-SSL message)
usr (User Data):
- 10 bytes text string
- (see ENT-SSL message)
sta (Status): 2 bytes binary data
- 0 : study active
- 1 : study complete- trap limit reached
- 2 : study complete- time limit reached
- 3 : study complete- canceled
- 4 : study active, data collected since previous report may have been lost.
- 5 : study complete- trap limit reached, data collected since previous report may have been lost.
- 6 : study complete- time limit reached, data collected since previous report may have been lost.
- 7 : study complete- canceled, data collected since previous report may have been lost.
Note for 4, 5, 6, & 7: Status code indicates that data may have been lost since the previous report. All data reported after this will be complete.
Rpt (Report Data): binary data consists of:
- 2 bytes (binary)
- Number of samples that follow for associated special study (that is, the number of occurrences of “sample” data).
Sample: consists of ->
- npa : 2 bytes (binary)
- XXX : 2 bytes (binary)
- line : 2 bytes (binary)
- ic : 2 bytes (binary)
- (see UCR message)
- npa : 2 bytes (binary)
- XXX : 2 bytes (binary)
- line : 2 bytes (binary)
- npa : 2 bytes (binary)
- XXX : 2 bytes (binary)
- line : 2 bytes (binary)
final-treat: 2 bytes (binary)
- 1 = out of band announcement
- 2 = vacant code announcement
- 3 = discontinued number announcement
- 4 = returned routing number
- 5 = forwarded query
- 6 = CPR error
date/time: Number of seconds since midnight (00:00:00) January 1, 1970.
- 4 bytes binary
Maximum Message Size:
49 bytes + (Number of Special Studies in Report) * (58 + length(rpt))
The SCP is scheduled to send an SSR message every 15 minutes as long as there is at least one active special study. The SCP also sends an SSR message whenever a special study completes because the trap limit and/or time limit has been reached.
7.4.1 Enter/Delete Manual Control List (ENT-MCL, DLT-MCL)
The CMSDB may add/remove dialed NPA-XXX-XXXX numbers or destination numbers
(“800 Service” or POTS) from its manual control list upon request from SMS.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Critical
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-MCL
Route ID - UML
Message Format:
ENT-MCL::::::CD=cd,TP=tp,GP=gp,DR=dr,TR=tr,UDATA=udata; DLT-MCL::::::CD=cd,TP=tp;
Parameters Description:
cd NPA-XXX-XXXX (dialed or destination number)
- 10 bytes decimal numeral
- NPAXXXXXXX – an “800 Service” number code
- NPAXXXXXXX – a POTS number
tp Type of number
- 1 byte decimal numeral
- 0 – dialed number
- 1 – destination number
gp The gap interval level to be controlled
- 4 bytes binary data
- 0 – disable automatic control
- 1 – gap interval level 1
- 2 – gap interval level 2
- …
- 14 – gap interval level 14
- 15 – gap interval level 15
dr The control duration
- 4 bytes binary
- 1 – control level 1
- 2 – control level 2
- …
- 12 – control level 12
- 13 – control level 13
tr The treatment of blocked calls by Service Switching Point
- 4 bytes binary
- The values of 1, 2, and 4 (shown below) are for future use.
- The value of 3 (60 IPM) is the only value that can be forwarded to an SSP currently.
- 1 – vacant code announcement (VCA)
- 2 – out-of-band announcement
- 3 – 60 IPM (Interruptions Per Minute)
- 4 – no circuit available (NCA)
- User data passed from SMS/800 to SCP, and stored at the SCP. In certain situations, it is returned in a response message (see RSP-MCL).
- Maximum of 10 bytes text string.
Maximum Message Length:
ENT-MCL = 90 bytes, DLT-MCL= 32 bytes.
Frequency: On-demand, by network managers
7.4.2 Response to Updating Manual Control List (RSP-MCL)
This is the response to Add/Delete Manual Control List command from SMS.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RML
Message Format:
The UDATA field is optional depending upon the error_code. The UDATA field is present only when the error_code is “04”, “add action, entry already present”.
Parameters Description:
date day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
time time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
term_rept termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD – message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
error_cd error code, 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 – update was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – add action, list full
- 03 – delete action, entry not found
- 04 – add action, entry already present
- 05 – update failed
- 07 – invalid treatment
This data is present only when error_code is 04. It contains the user data associated with the entry already on the SCP manual control list, not the user data passed in the update manual control list command that this message is in response to. Maximum of 10 bytes text string.
Maximum Message Length: 105 bytes
Frequency: N/A
7.4.3 Update Call Completion Option (UPD-CCO)
This command is issued by SMS/800 to eliminate the need for CMSDB to collect call- completion data on routing numbers under control or surveillance.
- Source - SMS
- Throttling - Normal or Critical
- Confirmation - A
- Queueing - YES
- Response - RSP-CCO
- Route ID - UCO
Message Format:
Parameter Description:
cco 1 byte Identifier
- Y : collect call completion stats.
- N : do not collect call completion stats.
Maximum Message Length:
19 bytes.
Issued only when an authorized user attempts to change the call completion at an SCP. Frequency is expected to be low.
7.4.4 Response To Update Call Completion Option (RSP-CCO)
command is issued by SCP in response to the update CALL COMPLETION OPTION.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route Id - RCO
Message Format:
Parameter Description:
date (see Section 5)
time (see Section 5
term_rept Termination report code
- 6 bytes Identifier
- COMPLD – message requested completed
- DENIED – message requested denied
error_cd 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 : no error
- 01 : invalid call completion option
- 02 : update failed
Maximum Message Length:
24 bytes + length(date) + length(time)
As frequent as the UCO command issued by SMS.
7.4.5 Update Network Management Parameters (UPD-NMP)
The CMSDB requires an exception report threshold list to control the generation of exception reports: Network List Change Report (NLC) and Network SSP Overflow Report (NSO). For each type of exception event, the list indicates the report’s threshold value, N. The CMSDB reports only the first N exception events in a 5-minute period.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Critical
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-NMP
Route ID - NMP
Message Format:
The message will consist of:
- Two fields (NLC, NSO)
Parameters Description:
nlc network list change report
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5 minute period
nso network SSP overflow report
- 2-byte binary data
- 1 to 100 reports in a 5-minute period
Maximum Message Length: 13+(12*2) = 37 bytes
Frequency: Low
7.4.6 Response to Update Network Management Parameters (RSP-NMP)
This is a response to update Network Management Parameters (NMP) command.
- Source - SCP
- Throttling - N/A
- Confirmation - N/A
- Queueing - NO
- Response - None
- Route ID - RNM
Message Format:
Parameters Description:
date day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
time time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
term_rept termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD – message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
error_cd error code
2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 – update was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – update failed
Maximum Message Length: 46
Frequency: N/A
7.4.7 Update Destination Threshold Table (UPD-DTT)
To control mass calling to destination numbers, SMS/800 must be able to change the assignment of a surveillance threshold (attempts/destination/150 sec.) for detecting focused overloads, and a control threshold for initiating controls to each of 15 threshold level classes in the CMSDB.
Also SMS/800 can supply CMSDB with the initial gap interval level value for mass calling to be used for the first 150 seconds period that a code is on the destination number control list. The initial value is identical for all destination codes.
- Source - SMS
- Throttling - Critical
- Confirmation - A
- Queueing - YES
- Response - RSP-DTT
- Route ID - UDT
Message Format:
Parameters Description:
thre Thresholds for class 1 to class 15 (2 + 4 * 15) bytes binary data.
- Number of classes
- 2-byte binary
- 15 – there are 15 classes
- Surveillance Threshold for class 1
- 2-byte binary
- 50 to 20,000 calls.
- Control Threshold for class 1
- 2-byte binary
- 50 to 20,000 calls.
Repeat the surveillance threshold and the control threshold for class 2 to class 15.
Giv initial gap interval level value
- 2-byte binary data
- The SMS/800 will send the SCP one of 16 initial gap interval level values (0 -15 inclusive).
Maximum Message Length: 98 bytes
Frequency: N/A
7.4.8 Response to Update Destination Threshold Table (RSP-DTT)
This is the response to Update Destination Threshold Table command from SMS.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - None
Route ID - RDT
Message Format:
Parameters Description:
date day of the year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
time time of the day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- See Section 5 for format
term_rept termination report
- 6 bytes identifier
- COMPLD – message request completed
- DENIED – message request denied
error_cd error code
- 2 bytes decimal numeral
- 00 – update was successful
- 01 – syntax error
- 02 – update failed
Maximum Message Length: 46 bytes
Frequency: N/A
7.4.9 Report Network List Change (REPT-NLC)
This exception report is generated by the SCP when a code is automatically added or removed from surveillance or control, or when a code cannot be added to a CMSDB control list (overflow).
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - NLC
Message Format: REPT-NLC:,date,time:::::TYPE=t,STATUS=s,DNUM=code;
Parameter Description:
date date
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
T type of list.
- S – surveillance list with auto control on.
- O – surveillance list with auto control off.
- M – mass calling destination control list.
- V – vacant code control list.
- N – out of band control (non-purchased) list.
- 1 byte identifier.
S action code
- 0 – code added.
- 1 – code deleted.
- 2 – CMSDB control list overflow.
- 3 – error in adding code.
- 4 – error in deleting code.
- 1 byte decimal numeral
- The dialed “800 Service” number or destination number that is to be added or deleted or that generated the overflow: NPA NXX XXXX where NPA could be POTS or one of the dialed “800 Service” NPAs.
- 10 bytes decimal numeral.
Maximum Message Length:
(47 + length(time) + length(date)) bytes.
Frequency: Low.
7.4.10 Report Scheduled Nonpurchased Results (REPT-SNR)
This report may be scheduled by the SCP to be generated every 5 minutes by the SCP CMSDB. It contains the non- purchased dialed “800 Service” numbers that are under automatic control along with the attempt counts. If no numbers are under control then the last report will indicate that. A maximum of 16 numbers can be under control at a given time.
In TFN Registry: No logging or reporting is done for REPT-SNR.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - SNR
Message Format:
If no non-purchased numbers are under control, then the last report will be in the form:
The optional fields are NCD and APT. If NCD or APT appears then both must appear; otherwise neither should appear.
Parameter Description
date Day of year
- 10 bytes
- See Section 5
Time Time of day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5
ncd1 ncd2 … The non-purchased dialed “800 Service” numbers: NPAXXXXXXX.
- 10 bytes decimal numeral
Apt1 apt2 … The corresponding attempt counts for that dialed number.
- 4 bytes binary data
Maximum Message Length:
For messages with codes :
n = number of codes under control
(length(date)+length(time)+16+4n+11n+4n+10n) bytes
For message without code (last message):
length(date)+length(time)+16) bytes.
Scheduled to be generated every 5 minutes if there are non-purchased numbers.
7.4.11 Report Scheduled Vacant Results (REPT-SVR)
This report may be scheduled by the SCP to be generated by the SCP CMSDB every 5 minutes. It contains the vacant dialed “800 Service” numbers and vacant dialed “800 Service” NPAXXX’s that are under automatic control along with their attempt counts. If no numbers are under control then the last report will indicate that. A maximum of 16 numbers can be under control at a given time. After the last message is issued, no message will be generated until new numbers are under control.
In TFN Registry: No logging or reporting is done for REPT-SVR.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - SVR
Message Format:
If no vacant dialed “800 Service” numbers are under control, then the last report will be in the form :
The optional fields are CD8, VAL, and CD6. If CD8 or CD6 appears, then a corresponding VAL must appear; otherwise, none should appear.
Parameter Description:
date Day of year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5
time Time of day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5
cd1 cd2 … The dialed “800 Service” numbers under control. Values associated with key CD8 are 10 digit NPAXXXXXXX numbers and values associated with key CD6 are 6 digit NPAXXX numbers. Either key can appear in any data block for a maximum of 16 data blocks or 16 numbers under control.
- NPAXXXXXXX – 10 bytes decimal numeral. NPAXXX – 6 bytes decimal numeral.
Val1 val2 … The corresponding attempt counts for that number.
- 4 bytes binary data.
Maximum Message Length:
n = total 10 digit numbers. M = total 6 digit numbers.
(length(date)+length(time)+18+5n+11n+4n+5m+4m+7) bytes for message with codes.
(length(date)+length(time) + 4) bytes for last message.
Scheduled to be generated every 5 minutes.
7.4.12 Report Network SSP Overflow (REPT-NSO)
This exception report is generated by an SCP when an SSP cannot activate a manual control
(SMS-initiated) because the SSP’s control list is full.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - NSO
Message Format: REPT-NSO:,date,time:::::SPC=spc,N800=code;
Parameter Description:
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- 2 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- signaling point code of SSP
- 3 bytes binary data
code the dialed “800 Service” number or destination number on the Manual Control List that triggered the SSP list overflow:
- NPA XXX XXXX where NPA maybe POTS or “800 Service”
- 10 bytes decimal numeral
Maximum Message Length:
67 bytes
Frequency: Low
7.4.13 Report Scheduled Destination Results (REPT-SDR)
This report is scheduled to be generated by CMSDB every 2.5 minutes. It contains a list of dialed “800 Service” numbers or destination numbers that are under control or surveillance. If none are under control or surveillance, then a last report is sent indicating the case. A maximum of 128 numbers can be under surveillance with auto control on, 128 numbers can be under surveillance with auto control off, 64 under manual control and 64 under automatic control.
Source - SCP
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - SDR
Message Format:
If no number is under surveillance or control, then the last report will be in the form : REPT-SDR:,date,time::::;
The optional fields are MC8, ACD, MCD, ASD, and AOD. Any one of these fields may appear, or any combination, or none.
Parameter Description:
This block contains the list of dialed “800 Service” numbers under manual control.
If no dialed number is under manual control, then it is a NULL block denoted by ‘:’.
The data in keyword MC8 is repeated for every dialed number.
Date Day of year
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5
time Time of day and time zone
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5
mc8 binary data for each dialed number. Total number of dialed numbers under manual control.
- 4 bytes binary
The following fields are repeated for each number:
Field 1 : NPAXXXXXXX number under control.
- 2 bytes binary for NPA.
- 2 bytes binary for XXX.
- 2 bytes binary for XXXX.
- Total 6 bytes binary.
Field 2 : The gap level. One of 16 gap interval level values, 0 - 15 inclusive.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 3 : The duration level. The duration level can be from 1 to 13.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 4 : The destination attempt count.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 5 : The destination percent failure rate.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 6 : User identification data associated with that number.
- 10 bytes binary character.
- This block contains the list of destination numbers under automatic control.
- If no number is under automatic control, then it is a NULL block denoted by ‘:’.
- The data in keyword ACD is repeated for every number under control.
Acd binary data for each number. Total number of destination numbers under automatic control.
- 4 bytes binary.
The following fields are repeated for each number:
Field 1 : NPAXXXXXXX number under control.
- 2 bytes binary for NPA.
- 2 bytes binary for XXX.
- 2 bytes binary for XXXX.
Field 2 : The gap level. One of 16 gap interval level values, 0 à 15 inclusive.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 3 : The duration level. 10 for automatic cntrl
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 4 : The destination attempt count.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 5 : The destination percent failure rate.
- 4 bytes binary.
This block contains the list of destination numbers under manual control.
If no destination number is under manual control, then it is a NULL block denoted by ‘:’. The data in keyword MCD is repeated for every number under manual control.
Mcd binary data for each number. Total number of destination numbers under manual control.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 1 : NPAXXXXXXX number under control.
- 2 bytes binary for NPA.
- 2 bytes binary for XXX.
- 2 bytes binary for XXXX.
Field 2 : The gap level. One of 16 gap interval level values, 0 à 15 inclusive.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 3 : The duration level. The duration level can be from 1 to 13.
- 4 bytes binary
Field 4 : The destination attempt count.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 5 : The destination percent failure rate.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 6 : User identification data associated with that number.
- 10 bytes binary character.
This block contains the list of destination numbers under automatic surveillance.
If no number is under surveillance with auto control on, then it is a NULL block denoted by ‘:’. The data in keyword ASD is repeated for every number under surveillance.
Asd binary data for each number. Total number of destination numbers under automatic surveillance with auto control on.
- 4 bytes binary.
The following fields are repeated for each number:
Field 1 : NPAXXXXXXX number under surveillance.
- 2 bytes binary for NPA.
- 2 bytes binary for XXX.
- 2 bytes binary for XXXX.
Field 2 : The destination attempt count.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 3 : The destination percent failure rate.
- 4 bytes binary.
If no number is under surveillance with auto control off, then it is a NULL block denoted by ‘:’. The data in keyword AOD is repeated for every number under surveillance.
Aod binary data for each number. Total number of destination numbers under automatic surveillance with auto control off.
- 4 bytes binary.
The following fields are repeated for each number:
Field 1 : NPAXXXXXXX number under surveillance.
- 2 bytes binary for NPA.
- 2 bytes binary for XXX.
- 2 bytes binary for XXXX.
Field 2 : The destination attempt count.
- 4 bytes binary.
Field 3 : The destination percent failure rate.
- 4 bytes binary.
Maximum Message Length:
94 + 128*22 + 128*22 + 64*32 + 64*22 = 9182 bytes
Scheduled every 2.5 minutes if there are numbers under surveillance or control.
7.5.1 Tell CMSDB Update Complete (TELL-CUC)
CMSDB Update Complete message is used by the SMS/800 to notify the SCP CMSDB Application that all the queued messages (if any) have already been sent. SMS/800 will start to empty its queued messages for the CMSDB whenever the CMSDB application is ready to receive messages.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - NO
Response - N/A
Route ID - CUC
Message Format:
Parameter Description: Not Applicable.
Maximum Message Length: 14 bytes. Frequency:
This message is issued by the SMS/800 when all the queued CMSDB messages are transmitted (if any) to the CMSDB.
7.5.2 Tell SMS/800 to Resend Updates (TELL-SRU)
This message is issued by CMSDB following data-base recovery and update-suspension periods to notify the SMS/800 to start resending all queued messages that have not been responded to by that SCP.
Source - SCP
Throttling - N/A
Confirmation - A
Queueing - YES
Response - RSP-SRU
Route ID - SRU
Message Format:
Parameter Description:
- 10 bytes
- see Section 5 for format
- 12 bytes
- see Section 5 for format.
mst 3 bytes identifier; identifies message types by routing code (e.g., UCR); this parameter is not being used by SMS.
- 15 bytes
- text string (yyyyMMddhhmmzon)
- yyyy: year
- MM: month
- dd: day
- hh: hour
- mm: minute
- zon: time zone of sending site (NST, NDT, AST, ADT, EST, EDT, CST, CDT, MDT, PST, PDT, YST, YDT, HST, HDT, BST)
Requesting Status Check
- If the timer expires before another update or RSP-SRU message is received, then the CMSDB will send another TELL-SRU command to SMS/800 with a value of “000000000000CST” (12 zeros followed by CST) in the EFD field to request a status check
- If SMS/800 determines that everything is normal and is currently processing a TELL- SRU command, it will then reply with a value of “000000000000CST” (12 zeros followed by CST) in the EFD field; otherwise, SMS/800 will reply with a RSP-SRU message with a value of “100000000000CST” (One “1” followed by 11 zeros followed by CST) in the EFD field.
- SMS/800 does not support arbitrary dates in the EFD field. Only messages that have not been responded to by the SCP, or have not been sent to the SCP, are resent to the SCP. SMS/800’s resending of messages that have successfully been received at the SCP is no longer supported.
Maximum Message Length:
68 bytes
Whenever the CPR data base update process at the SCP is suspended or interrupted, or when data-base recovery is necessary. Frequency should be low.
7.5.3 Response to Tell SMS/800 to Resend Updates (RSP-SRU)
This message is the response to Tell SMS/800 to Resend Updates.
Source - SMS
Throttling - Normal
Confirmation - N/A
Queueing - YES
Response - N/A
Route ID - RRU
Message Format:
Parameter Description:
- 8 bytes
- yyyymmdd (no dashes)
- 9 bytes
- hhmmsszon (no dashes) , where ‘zon’ is the 3-alpha time zone abbreviation
Mst: 3 bytes identifier – identifies message types by routing code (e.g., UCR)
- 15 bytes
- text string (yyyymmddhhmmzon)
- yyyy: year
- mm: month
- dd: day
- hh: hour
- mm: minute
- zon: time zone of sending site (NST, NDT, AST, ADT, EST, EDT, CST, CDT, MDT, PST, PDT, YST, YDT, HST, HDT, BST)
Refer to the TELL-SRU message for status-check information.
Note: The date and time are obtained from the TELL-SRU, not from the system. Also, “zon” in the EFD field and in the time field are always the time zone of the SMS/800.
Maximum Message Length: 74 bytes
Whenever the CPR data base update process at SCP is suspended or interrupted, or when data-base recovery is necessary. Frequency should be low.