The list below briefly describes the major functions supported by the CMSDB-SMS/800 interface.
- CPR Data Maintenance
The SMS/800 replaces or deletes CPRs. For an audit capability, the SMS/800 requests the
CMSDB to compare its version of a CPR with the SMS/800 version.
- Administrative Data Maintenance
The SMS/800 also maintains non-customer specific data required for CMSDB operation. This data includes master-number lists of dialable "800 Service" NPA-XXXs, a transaction-age timer for determining time-out conditions when processing CCS messages, and a threshold list for controlling the generation of exception reports.
- Customer Sample Collection
The SMS/800 retrieves customer sample data by requesting the CMSDB to send previously collected data. The CMSDB notifies the SMS/800 when storage available for customer sample data is nearly depleted.
- Application Sample Administration
The SMS/800 starts and terminates the collection of the application sample in the CMSDB and controls the sampling rate. The application sample collection features are the same as for customer sample collection.
- Service Maintenance
The CMSDB accepts requests for special studies and reports on calls meeting the criteria defined in the special study request. The CMSDB reports on CPR errors it encounters while call processing.
- Network Management
The SMS/800 updates and retrieves the parameters used by the automatic network management surveillance and control algorithms. SMS/800 also activates manual controls on individual numbers. The CMSDB reports on surveillance/control list activity, and on call activity during overload periods.
- Application Status and Control
The SMS/800 receives reports from the SCP node on changes in the overload level of the CMSDB and on whether the CMSDB is accepting queries from the Common Channel Signaling (CCS) network.