On the TFNRegistry™ (tfnregistry.somos.com) Landing page or any page, select the Menu icon and then the “Auction Registry” menu item to access the AuctionRegistry™ page. Please Note: In order to access the AuctionRegistry via the TFNRegistry, you must have at least "NA - Toll-Free Number Search & Reserve" View and/or Update permissions. If you have any Cross Entity permissions set up on the, "Resp Org ID Permissions" portion of your User Profile, it will also apply to the AuctionRegistry.
By selecting the “Auction Registry” menu item, the AuctionRegistry page will be displayed on a new tab of your browser. On the AuctionRegistry page, you can view the results. The results will contain the Toll-Free Number (TFN), Update Time Stamp, Resp Org ID, Buyer Name and 2nd Market Eligible information.
Once the AuctionRegistry page is displayed, you can select the “Learning Resources” button to view the frequently asked questions. By selecting the “Learning Resources” button, a list of frequently asked questions will be displayed. You can select a question link to find your answer.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.