To access the Reserved Number List (RNL) page, you must first select the Menu icon at the top of any page, select the “Number Administration” menu item, and then the “Reserved Number List” sub-menu item. The RNL page will be displayed with a list of Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs) reserved by you. The retrieved list of reserved numbers can be printed and/or downloaded.
On the RNL page, you can view and sort the following information:
- Toll-Free Number
- Auctioned TFN
- Reserved Date
- Reserved Until Date
- Contact Person
- Contact Number
By default, the “Sort” icon will be available next to the Reserved Until Date column name on this page. When you hover over the specific column header name, it will be highlighted with an underline, and you must select the column name to enable the “Sort” icon. This will sort the information in the remaining columns as per the selection. By selecting the “Sort”
icon, you can arrange each column's information in an ascending or descending order. The upward arrow “Sort” icon will sort the column in the ascending order while the downward arrow “Sort” icon will sort the column in the descending order.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.
For more information on how sorting works, please click here.
For more information on the RNL page's fields, their descriptions and their valid values, please click here.