To log into the TSSRegistry™ please go to
If this is your first time logging in, please click on the “Forgot your Password” link on the page to reset your password for use.
To access your TSSRegistry account for the first time, please follow the six simple steps
outlined below.
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Click on Forgot your Password?
Step 3: Enter in your Email Address and click Submit.
Step 4: You will receive an automatically generated password reset email from Somos.
Visit to log in with your email address and temporary password.
Step 5: Once logged into the Registry, click on Settings and then Profile.
Step 6: On the Profile screen, you will have the option to reset your password for permanent use.
Click on the Reset Password radio button and enter in (and confirm) your new password.
Click Save.
Your account has now been activated!
For additional help, please contact the Help Desk at 844-HEY-SOMOS, Option 1.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.