The Resp Org Change Request Reports allows you to view Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs) that were transferred in and/or out of your Responsible Organization’s (Resp Org's) Entity ID. This report has the capability of returning up to 7 years’ worth of data related to Resp Org Change (ROC) transfers.
Please Note: This Report will not be available via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)/SQL*NET. It is only available in TFNRegistry Reporting.
To view the report:
- Select either the "Incoming ROC Requests Report" or "Outgoing ROC Requests Report" from within the "09 Resp Org Change Request Reports" folder on the Explore" page.
- Once the report page is opened, you have several drop down filters to chose the information you are looking for (Toll-Free Number, Reject Code(s), Processed By, Date Range (From/To), New Resp Org, Old Resp Org, Has LOA, Port Status).
Selected Number of Rows
- As you select each filter, the “Selected Number of Rows” will dynamically refresh and the total number of data rows for the selected filters will be displayed.
- Once the filters are selected, two report buttons “Generate Preview (10 Rows)” and “Generate Full Report” can be selected.
Please Note: It is recommended to limit the size of the Selected Number of Rows to 200,000 for optimal performance.
What information is shown on the report: Toll-Free Number(s), Date Submitted On, Submitting Resp Org, Submitted By Login ID, Submitted By Company Name, Port Status, New Resp Org (Submitting Resp Org), Old Resp Org (Controlling (current) Resp Org), Processed Date/Time, Processed By, Submit Method, Has LOA, Has Other Documents, Expedite ROC, Reject Code(s).
Generate Preview (10 Rows)
- By selecting the “Generate Preview (10 Rows)” button, then you can preview the first 10 rows of the report. This button will be grayed after the first time it was selected in a session.
- The preview data auto refreshes every time you modify the filters without the need to reselect the “Generate Preview (10 Rows)” button again.
Full Report Results
- By selecting the “Generate Full Report” button, the Results page of the full report will be displayed in the same tab of the browser. You can review or download the data on this page.