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RealNumber DNO: What Are The Data Definitions?
Column 1: Number
- 10 digit toll-free or local number
Column 2: Last Update Date
- Date the number was set as DNO in ISO 8601 format Please Note: If a number has never been active, it will have a Null value
Column 3: DNO Type
- 0 – DNO was set automatically by the system based on its status
- 1 – DNO has been manually set by a user in the RealNumber system.
- 2 - Number is on the US Telecom DNO list.
- 3 - DNO for Text only - Number was set to DNO for Text based on it’s status In the TSS
Column 4 (Delta files only): Add or Delete
- A - This line was added to the database
- D - This line was deleted from the database.