SessionOpen API
/sessionOpen is an optional API that can be used to get the new token with a new expiration date by providing username, password (RotueLink User Interface (UI) credentials) and the API client name for which the new token is being requested. This API can only be used to get a new token when token has expired for a given API client.
/sessionOpen Request
The following is an example REST/JSON/sessionOpen request:
The RouteLink Client communicates a session open request for a Sandbox API client using the following URL:
An example of sending a session open request for a Sandbox API client using wget is as follows:
wget --header="Content-Type: application/json" --post-data='{"username":"user1","password":"pass1","apiClientName": "sandboxApiTest"}'
The RouteLink Client communicates a session open request for a Production (aka live) API client using the following URL:
An example of sending a session open request for a Production (aka live) API client using wget is as follows:
wget --header="Content-Type: application/json" --post-data='{"username":"user1","password":"pass1","apiClientName": "liveApiTest"}’
/sessionOpen Response
The following is an example JSON session open response from RouteLink.
"expiration":"01/09/2017 15:56:21" // always in GMT
Field | Range | Comments |
token | Printable String | The new token. The former token is no longer valid. |
expiration |
MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss | The expiration timestamp of the new token. This value is always in GMT. The HH:mm:ss portion is in 24-hour format. |
This API will result in the following error message if the token has not expired for the given API client:
"messsage":"Token has not expired for the api client 'test4'. Please use the /refreshToken api to get a new token."