/cpr api Request
/cpr is an optional API.
The following is an example REST/JSON "cpr" request:
GET /routelink/v1/cpr?sha1=93201524444RSRRKR1 HTTPS/1.1
Authorization: Bearer c0d97b52-35d9-32c2-a37d-6126a186a844
The wget tool can issue a "cpr" request like this example:
wget --header="Authorization: Bearer c0d97b52-35d9-32c2-a37d-6126a186a844" https://api-routelink.somos.com/routelink/v1/cpr?sha1=93201524444RSRRKR1
sha1 is required field.
/cpr api Response
The response to a "cpr" request contains the "cpr" and sha.
The following is an example JSON "cpr" response from RouteLink.
"id": null,
"sha1": "b74a3e940020754f8b72a790b56957fa8ab41237",