On the ROC Search Requests (RSR) page, if the desired Responsible Organizations (Resp Org) Changes (ROC) request is not listed below the “Update Results” button already, you can search for the Incoming ROC request in several different ways. The easiest way to find an Outgoing ROC request, is by entering the Toll-Free Number (TFN) (if known), selecting a type of “Outgoing” from the Type drop down menu and selecting the “Opened” option from the Progress drop down menu. For more information on how to use the different search options, please click here.
Once the “Update Results” button has been selected, a list of Open requests will be displayed in the “Results” portion of the RSR page. Select the desired Outgoing ROC request in the list to open it. If the desired Outgoing ROC request is not listed, please search for it with the “Toll-Free Number” option.
You can select the “Awaiting LOA” check box to view the requests that are waiting for a Letter of Agency (LOA). You may also select the "Download" icon to download the list of TFN(s) in an Excel workbook (.csv, .xls, .xlsx). Once you have selected the "Download" icon, a pop-up with CSV, XLS, and XLSX buttons will be displayed. When you select any one of the options, an Excel workbook in the selected format will be downloaded on your device.
In the Excel workbook, you can view the TxnID, Toll-Free Number Count, Toll-Free Number, Submitted On, Submitting Resp Org, Future Date, Due Date, Status, Reject Description, Progress, Closed On, and Decline Note information.
When you select an Outgoing ROC request, then the Outgoing Resp Org Change pop-up window will be displayed. You can select the “Previous” or “Next” links to navigate between requests.
Submitting Information: In this portion of the Outgoing ROC request, you can view the Transaction ID of the request. You can also view the Submitting Resp Org ID, Submission Date, Future Date, and Due Date information. If the Outgoing ROC request was requested to be processed as soon as possible a message will appear, “This change has been requested to be expedited.”
Toll-Free Number: In this portion of the Outgoing ROC request, a list of TFNs is displayed. Here, you can also use the “Filter by Status” or use the “Enter Toll-Free Number” search field to narrow the list of TFNs. Additionally, this portion allows you to view the Resp Org ID, (current) Status, and Processed On information. Lastly, as a Submitting (new) Resp Org, you can remove (i.e. delete) a TFN(s) from the list of TFNs.
Whenever there is more than one TFN submitted with the Outgoing ROC request, the TFNs could have different statuses. You can use the “Filter by Status” drop down menu to select a TFN(s) in a particular status: All, Pending, Port Processing, Ported, Declined, Expired, Overdue, Help Desk Request (HDR), Invalid, Port Failed, and Due Date Approval. By selecting the “All” option for the “Filter by Status” drop down menu, all TFNs in all statuses will be displayed for the Outgoing ROC request.
To find a specific TFN, you can enter a TFN in the “Enter Toll-Free Number” field (which is to the right of the drop down menu).
When you hover over the "Information" icon next to the Resp Org ID field's results, you can view the Change Contact Information such as Name, Email, Phone, and Company Name.
Remove: As a Submitting Resp Org, you can directly remove the TFN(s) from the list of TFNs in the Outgoing ROC request as needed as long as it is in a “Pending” or “Overdue” status. By selecting the “Remove” icon will display a “Toll-Free Number Deletion” pop-up window. Simply select the “Submit” button to proceed with the deletion or select the “Cancel” button to not proceed with the deletion of the TFN(s) from the Outgoing ROC request. Selecting either button will close this pop-up window.
Removing a TFN from an Outgoing ROC request will change the status to Declined. You can also view the Processed On date and time of the request.
Download and Upload Numbers to be Removed: Instead of using the “Remove” icon to the right of the TFN(s) in the Outgoing ROC request, you can download the list of TFNs in an Excel workbook (.csv, xls, .xlsx) by selecting the “Download” icon. Once you have selected the "Download" icon, a pop-up with CSV, XLS, and XLSX buttons will be displayed. When you select any one of the options, the Excel workbook in the selected format will be downloaded on your device. The downloaded Excel workbook will be prefilled with the following Header Record (columns) information along with the TFNs in the Outgoing ROC request: “Toll-Free Number”, “RespOrgID”, and “CurrentStatus”. You can open the Excel workbook, remove the TFNs that you want to keep, and then upload the file by selecting the “Upload Numbers to be Removed” icon. For more information on the guidelines for the Excel workbook, please select the “Help” icon to the right of the “Contact Info” icon.
Help: Select the “Help” icon to read the guidelines for uploading an Excel workbook (.csv, .xls, .xlsx) to an Outgoing ROC request. The Help document will open in a new tab of your browser.
Contact Info: By selecting the “Contact Info” icon, you can use it to download an Excel workbook (.csv, .xls, .xlsx) file with the Controlling Resp Org's contact information. Once you have selected the "Contact Info" icon, a pop-up with CSV, XLS, and XLSX buttons will be displayed. When you select any one of the options, the Excel workbook in the selected format will be downloaded on your device. In the Excel workbook the following fields will be available: “Toll-Free Number”, “RespOrgID”, “CompanyName”, “CompanyAddress”, “PrimaryContact”, “ChangeContact” and “Notes”. This information comes from the “Find Resp Org Contacts” portion of the “Resp Org Tools” section on the Somos Portal Website. This information is maintained by the Primary Contact and/or Company Administrators of the Controlling Resp Org. This information is only available when the ROC System is able to identify the Controlling Resp Orgs of all the numbers submitted in a request. Otherwise, it will return with a message that the information is still being gathered.
View All: You can use the “View All” link to see more TFNs in the Outgoing ROC request.
LOA Documentation and Other Documentation: In this portion of the Outgoing ROC request, you can view the uploaded documents by the Submitting Resp Org. You can access the LOA and/or other documentation by selecting the corresponding link.
The Resp Orgs can only add the document or cancel the request when all TFNs are in a Pending, Overdue, or Declined status with rejection status code 16 (i.e. the Outgoing ROC request has an Open status).
Any ROC requests you have submitted may not always be processed by Controlling Resp Org in the required amount of time (e.g. 2 days). In a situation like this, the request you have submitted will be Overdue and it will change into an Overdue status automatically. This will give the Controlling Resp Org an additional 10 days to review to review and process the request. This is a configurable time frame. If the Overdue status time period has past, the request will return to the Expired status and will need to be resubmitted in order for Controlling Resp Org to authorize a port of the requested TFN(s). When viewing the request, you will notice TFN(s) with the status of Expired, Declined, Overdue, or Port Failed. These TFNs were not processed by Controlling Resp Org and you may resubmit the request by selecting the “Resubmit Options” button.
For more information on the ROC parameters, please click here.
Please Note: You may see different action options on the Resubmit Options page based on whether the original request required an LOA for verification purposes. You may see a “Browse” button in the Other Documentation section when documents are not uploaded in the original request.
If you want to upload additional documents, then you must select the documents from your device one after another. You can upload up to 4 additional documents in this section. When you complete uploading a document, Add Document Tile and Add Document Description fields will be displayed in the Other Documentation section. You can add the document tile and description in their corresponding fields and then, select the "Submit" button.
Once you complete uploading the additional documents and adding document information, you can view the list of documents with description in this section.
Submitter’s information: In this portion of the Outgoing ROC request, you can view the Name, Phone, Email Address, and Company Name. This information is auto-populated based on the selection made by the submitter of the request on the RSB page. After the initial submission of the ROC request, this information can no longer be edited/modified.
Notes / Alternate Contact Information: In this portion of the Outgoing ROC request, it provides any notes left by the submitter of the request and any alternate contact details. You can add/modify information.
Resubmit Overdue and Decline Requests: You can resubmit an Overdue and Declined status Outgoing ROC requests, by selecting the status as Overdue or Declined on the RSR page. When you select the Status as Overdue and/or Declined and select the "Update Results" button, all the Outgoing requests with Overdue and Declined status will be displayed. You can select a search request result item to view the detailed information. If you need to view the declined reason for a specific TFN, please hover over the "Information" icon on the request. Additionally, if you select the "Download" icon within the request, the declined reason will be included in the file.
Review the Outgoing ROC request and select the “Resubmit the Request" option or the "Submit a Resp Org Change to the Help Desk for Processing" option to enable the “Resubmit” button or select the “Close” button to exit the pop-up window.
Cancel Request: When an Outgoing ROC request is in “Pending” status, then the “Cancel Request” button will be enabled. You can select the “Cancel Request” button to cancel the request. A confirmation pop-up window will display.
Select the “Yes” button to cancel the request. Select the “No” button to close this pop-up window.
When you select the “Yes” button, the Status will be changed to the “Declined” and the “Resubmit the Request” option will be enabled. Select the “Close” button to exit the Outgoing Resp Org Change request page.
Disclaimer: Any images in this article are intended to be used as a guide for educational purposes only and they may differ slightly from the Production Environment.